Weekly Schedule:
1. Church Service ( Facebook Live, Zoom* live) : Sunday 2 pm
Church Address: Monte del Rey, Cra. 48 # 10-30, El Poblado, Medellín
(5 minutes walking from Poblado Metro Station)
Face to Face Memorial Service- Carlos Robin Morales Sierra Sunday 4 pm
( Facebook Live, Zoom* live) :
2. Men’s Bible Fellowship Tuesday 9am
– In Sao Paulo Plaza, El Poblado
3. Zoom Bible Study (Zoom** live): The book of Psalms 119 Tuesday 7 pm
4. RioNegro / La Ceja (Llano Grande) Bible Study Wednesday 6 pm
Begin Fellowship 5pm
Address: Iglesia Cristiana Cuadrangular Rionegro
Vereda Chipre, Llanogrande, Rionegro, Antioquia, Finca Ebenezer, No.14
Contact number: +57 311-727-1007 ( Call For Details )
5. Bible College – Survey of Doctrine (Facebook Live, Zoom*** live ) Thursday 6:30pm
6. Evangelism – Different areas Saturday 11am
Contact number: +57 311-727-1007 ( Call For Details )
[ Tools ]
- FaceBook Live:
Greater Grace Medellin English Speaking Church
2. Zoom live with subtitles in various languages
3. Zoom* Link : ( With live interpretation)
Click: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81958158717?pwd=S3Z0dXNaQ1d5QmoxNkdxYmxYQ2x1dz09
Meeting ID: 819 5815 8717
Password: 636295
4. Zoom** Link:
Click: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8411026125?pwd=Wkx5OUpEVjZZVmo0Z0lNUFVTVml5UT09
Meeting ID: 841 102 6125
Password: 636295
5. Zoom*** Link: ( with live interpretation)
Meeting ID: 845 3485 9168
Password: 636295